The following is a standard agreement between the customer (hereafter "Customer") and Ventura Creative Services, Inc. (hereafter "VCS") relating to customer supplied garments (hereafter "garments" or "customer supplied garments").
Processing & Handling: The procurement of garments to create decorated goods is a laborious and time-consuming process that entails significant labor on behalf of the decorator. In order to cover the non-trivial labor costs of procurement, quality controlling, unpacking, counting, sorting, and handling orders consisting of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of garments, it is essential that decorators markup the garments they procure. Aside from inherent quality control issues described below, Customer Supplied Garments deprive the decorator of the capital required to cover these labor costs. For this reason, we require customers who supply their own goods to agree to the following Customer Supplied Garments Policy.
Quality Control: Garment decoration is a complex trade and the outcome of decorated products is affected by many variables both known and unknown. VCS can only guarantee the quality of their work under controlled conditions, using garments from trusted, reputable vendors, with whom we are legally authorized to conduct business. The quality of garments purchased outside these controlled parameters cannot be guaranteed. Garment districts, online wholesalers, and retailers frequent sell factory seconds which may have been re-dyed or otherwise altered, thus introducing risks into the printing process, especially on garments with significant polyester content. For these reasons and others, we DO NOT recommend that customers supply their own garments. Please be advised that we allow customer supplied garments only as a courtesy, at our own discretion, and only in accordance with ALL of the following provisions:
1. Liability Exemption
Customer supplied garments are the sole property of the Customer and are left on VCS property at Customer's own risk.
2. Quality Control
Customer is responsible for quality control of all garments. VCS will not inspect any garments and is not responsible for any stains, rips, discolorations, or any other blemishes whatsoever. In the event a defect is discovered, VCS will print the defective garment, charge the agreed-upon cost for the garment, mark the garment, and notify the customer.
3. Dropshipping & Receiving
Unless otherwise agreed upon beforehand, we do not accept dropshipped garments directly to VCS. Customer is responsible for all receiving and counting of garments, and must provide a quantity breakdown by size, style and color, per job where applicable (i.e., orders consisting of more than one job). Garments presented without an itemized list will not be accepted.
4. Garment Sorting
Garments must arrive pre-sorted by size, color, and/or style where applicable. For orders with multiple jobs, each job must pre-sorted by size, color, and/or style where applicable. Un-sorted garment boxes will not be accepted.
5. Garment Conditions
Garments must arrive ready to print, free from any packaging, size decals, price tags, or any other manufacturer or retailier embellishments.
6. Refund Policy
Misprinted garments are eligible for labor refunds only. VCS is not obligated to reimburse the cost of misprinted customer supplied garments.
7. Misprint Policy
VCS is not obligated to reprint any customer supplied garments.
8. Dye Migration Policy
VCS is not responsible for any dye migration on customer supplied garments, and will not offer any refunds for dye-migrated garments under any conditions.
9. Pricing
Print charges on customer supplied garments are subject to arbitrary increase as deemed appropriate by VCS.
10. Payment
50% of total labor charges for orders with customer supplied garments is due at the time of drop-off.
11. Turnaround Times
In order to meet the agreed-upon turnaround time, the Customer must provide all garments by the customer goods due date specified in the terms of the quote. Failure to provide all goods by the specified date releases VCS from obligation to the meet the order deadline.
12. Processing & Handling Fees
Customer supplied garments that do not meet all of the aforementioned criteria will incur processing and handling charges beginning at $1 per garment. Any processing and handling charges incurred must be paid in full before VCS releases the garments.